
Upcoming talks and conferences

If you are atten­ding any of the fol­lo­wing upco­ming events (or are other­wi­se loca­ted around the venue) I’m more than hap­py to meet for a cof­fee and dis­cuss – just drop me a line at felix.palm[at] 🙂

— Curr­ent­ly, I don’t have con­cre­te plans for con­fe­ren­ces and talks —

Invited seminar talks

  • Simu­la­ting Quan­tum Hall Phy­sics: Ultra­cold Atoms & Ten­sor Net­works“ – „Quan­tum Group“ semi­nar, Ghent (BE) – Janu­ary 2024
  • New Direc­tions for Quan­tum Hall Phy­sics in Ultra­cold Atoms“ – CIQC „Spark“ Talk, UC Ber­ke­ley (US) – June 2023
  • New Direc­tions for Quan­tum Hall Phy­sics in Ultra­cold Atoms“ – Gold­man group semi­nar, ULB Brussels (BE) – Decem­ber 2022
  • Frac­tion­al Chern insu­la­tors in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard model“ – Hafezi group semi­nar, Maryland/JQI (US) – Novem­ber 2021
  • Frac­tion­al Chern insu­la­tors in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard model“ – Grei­ner group semi­nar, Har­vard (US) – Novem­ber 2021

Conference talks and poster contributions

  • Brai­ding Laugh­lin qua­si-holes in ultra­cold atoms using Ram­sey inter­fe­ro­me­try“ (pos­ter) – Work­shop „Geo­me­try and non-adia­ba­tic respon­ses in non-equi­li­bri­um sys­tems“ (Dres­den, DE) – June 17–21, 2024
  • Brai­ding Laugh­lin qua­si-holes in ultra­cold atoms using Ram­sey inter­fe­ro­me­try“ (pos­ter) – School „Topo­lo­gi­cal order: Anyons and Frac­tons“ (Les Hou­ch­es, FR) – April 1–12, 2024
  • Brai­ding Laugh­lin qua­si-holes in ultra­cold atoms using Ram­sey inter­fe­ro­me­try“ (talk)- DPG SAMOP Mee­ting (Frei­burg, DE) – March 10–15, 2024
  • Brai­ding Laugh­lin qua­si-holes in ultra­cold atoms using Ram­sey inter­fe­ro­me­try“ (pos­ter) – Work­shop „Frac­tion­al Quan­tum Anoma­lous Hall Effect and Frac­tion­al Chern Insu­la­tors“ (Dres­den, DE) – Febru­ary 5–8, 2024
  • Snapshot-based detec­tion of hid­den off-dia­go­nal long-ran­ge order on lat­ti­ces“ (pos­ter) – Kor­re­la­ti­ons­ta­ge 2023 (Dres­den, DE) – Sep­tem­ber 2023
  • Varia­tio­nal Tri­al Sta­tes for Frac­tion­al Chern Insu­la­tors“ (pos­ter) – MCQST Con­fe­rence (Sont­ho­fen, DE) – June 2023
  • Gro­wing Exten­ded Laugh­lin Sta­tes in a Quan­tum Gas Micro­scope“ (talk) – APS DAMOP (Spo­ka­ne, US) – June 2023
  • Varia­tio­nal Tri­al Sta­tes for Frac­tion­al Chern Insu­la­tors“ (pos­ter) – FOR2414 Task Force Mee­ting „Effec­ti­ve Gau­ge theo­ries and topo­lo­gi­cal order“ (Munich, DE) – April 2023
  • Fer­ro­ma­gne­tism and Skyr­mi­ons in the Hof­stad­ter-Fer­mi-Hub­bard Model“ (talk) and „Snapshot-based detec­tion of hid­den off-dia­go­nal long-ran­ge order on lat­ti­ces“ (pos­ter) – DPG SAMOP Mee­ting (Han­no­ver, DE) – March 2023
  • Snapshot-based detec­tion of hid­den off-dia­go­nal long-ran­ge order on lat­ti­ces“ (pos­ter) – FOR2414 Annu­al Work­shop (Ham­burg, DE) – March 2023
  • New Direc­tions for Quan­tum Hall Phy­sics in Ultra­cold Atoms“ (talk) – Work­shop „Topo­lo­gy and Non-equi­li­bri­um Dyna­mics in Engi­nee­red Quan­tum Sys­tems“ (Dres­den, DE) – Octo­ber 2022
  • Fer­ro­ma­gne­tism and Skyr­mi­ons in the Hof­stad­ter-Fer­mi-Hub­bard Model“ (pos­ter) – IMPRS-Sum­mer School (Gaschurn, AT) – July 2022
  • Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an Sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard Model“ (pos­ter) – FOR2414 PhD-Retre­at (Gos­lar, DE) – June 2022
  • Frac­tion­al Chern insu­la­tors in cou­pled chains“ (online talk) – APS DAMOP – June 2022
  • Frac­tion­al Chern insu­la­tors in cou­pled chains“ (talk) – APS March Mee­ting (Chi­ca­go, US) – March 2022
  • Frac­tion­al Chern insu­la­tors in the Hof­stad­ter-Hub­bard model“ (talk) – FOR2414 Annu­al Work­shop (Göt­tin­gen, DE) – Octo­ber 2021
  • Quan­tum Hall Phy­sics in Opti­cal Lat­ti­ces“ (online talk) – IMPRS-MPHQ-Bey­ondC Sum­mer School, July 2021
  • Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an Sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard Model“ (online pos­ter) – IMPRS-MPHQ-Bey­ondC Sum­mer School – July 2021
  • Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an Sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard Model“ (online talk) – APS DAMOP – June 2021
  • Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an Sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard Model“ (online pos­ter) – „Vir­tu­el­le Kor­re­la­ti­ons­ta­ge 2021″ Dres­den – April 2021
  • Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an Sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard Model“ (online talk) – APS March Mee­ting – March 2021
  • Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an Sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard Model“ (online talk) – Sym­po­si­um „Explo­ring Quan­tum Many-Body Phy­sics with Ultra­cold Atoms and Mole­cu­les“ – Decem­ber 2020