
You can also find a list of my publi­ca­ti­ons on Goog­le Scho­lar.

Preprints, submitted to peer-reviewed journals

  1. Felix A. Palm, Céci­le Repel­lin, Nathan Gold­man, Fabi­an Grusdt
    Absence of gap­less Majo­ra­na edge modes in few-leg boso­nic flux lad­ders“ 
    arXiv:2407.18873 (accept­ed for publi­ca­ti­on in Phys. Rev. Research).
  2. Fabi­an Dös­chl, Felix A. Palm, Han­nah Lan­ge, Fabi­an Grusdt, Anna­bel­le Bohrdt
    Neu­ral Net­work Quan­tum Sta­tes for the Inter­ac­ting Hof­stad­ter Model with Hig­her Local Occu­pa­ti­ons and Long-Ran­ge Inter­ac­tions“ 
    arXiv:2405.04472 (accept­ed for publi­ca­ti­on in Phys. Rev. B).

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Fabi­an J. Pauw(*)Felix A. Palm(*), Ulrich Scholl­wöck, Anna­bel­le Bohrdt, Sebas­ti­an Pae­ckel, Fabi­an Grusdt
    Detec­ting Hid­den Order in Frac­tion­al Chern Insu­la­tors“ 
    Phys. Rev. Rese­arch 6 (2024)(open access); arXiv:2309.03666.
    (*) The­se aut­hors con­tri­bu­ted equal­ly to this work
  2. Felix A. Palm, Joy­ce Kwan, Bri­ce Bak­ka­li-Hassa­ni, Mar­kus Grei­ner, Ulrich Scholl­wöck, Nathan Gold­man, Fabi­an Grusdt
    Gro­wing Exten­ded Laugh­lin Sta­tes in a Quan­tum Gas Micro­scope: A Patch­work Con­s­truc­tion
    Phys. Rev. Rese­arch 6 (2024) (open access); arXiv:2309.17402.
  3. Reja H. Wil­ke, Tho­mas Köh­ler, Felix A. Palm, Sebas­ti­an Pae­ckel
    Sym­me­try-pro­tec­ted Bose-Ein­stein con­den­sa­ti­on of inter­ac­ting hard­core bosons
    Com­mun. Phys. 6 (2023) (open access); arXiv:2110.15770.
  4. Felix A. Palm, Mert Kurt­tu­tan, Anna­bel­le Bohrdt, Ulrich Scholl­wöck, Fabi­an Grusdt
    Fer­ro­ma­gne­tism and Skyr­mi­ons in the Hof­stad­ter-Fer­mi-Hub­bard Model
    New J. Phys. 25 (2023); arXiv:2208.05960.
  5. Felix A. Palm, Sam Mar­d­a­zad, Anna­bel­le Bohrdt, Ulrich Scholl­wöck, Fabi­an Grusdt
    Snapshot-based detec­tion of \(\nu = \frac{1}{2}\) Laugh­lin sta­tes: Cou­pled chains and cen­tral char­ge
    Phys. Rev. B 106 (2022)arXiv:2112.10763.
  6. Felix A. Palm, Maxi­mi­li­an Buser, Juli­an Léo­nard, Moni­ka Aidels­bur­ger, Ulrich Scholl­wöck, Fabi­an Grusdt
    Boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an sta­te in the Hof­stad­ter-Bose-Hub­bard model
    Phys. Rev. B 103 (2021)arXiv:2011.02477.
