You can also find a list of my publications on Google Scholar.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Fabian Döschl, Felix A. Palm, Hannah Lange, Fabian Grusdt, Annabelle Bohrdt
„Neural network quantum states for the interacting Hofstadter model with higher local occupations and long-range interactions“
Phys. Rev. B 111 (2025) (open access); arXiv:2405.04472. - Felix A. Palm, Cécile Repellin, Nathan Goldman, Fabian Grusdt
„Absence of gapless Majorana edge modes in few-leg bosonic flux ladders“
Phys. Rev. Research 7 (2025) (open access); arXiv:2407.18873. - Fabian J. Pauw(*), Felix A. Palm(*), Ulrich Schollwöck, Annabelle Bohrdt, Sebastian Paeckel, Fabian Grusdt
„Detecting Hidden Order in Fractional Chern Insulators“
Phys. Rev. Research 6 (2024)(open access); arXiv:2309.03666.
(*) These authors contributed equally to this work - Felix A. Palm, Joyce Kwan, Brice Bakkali-Hassani, Markus Greiner, Ulrich Schollwöck, Nathan Goldman, Fabian Grusdt
„Growing Extended Laughlin States in a Quantum Gas Microscope: A Patchwork Construction“
Phys. Rev. Research 6 (2024) (open access); arXiv:2309.17402. - Reja H. Wilke, Thomas Köhler, Felix A. Palm, Sebastian Paeckel
„Symmetry-protected Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting hardcore bosons“
Commun. Phys. 6 (2023) (open access); arXiv:2110.15770. - Felix A. Palm, Mert Kurttutan, Annabelle Bohrdt, Ulrich Schollwöck, Fabian Grusdt
„Ferromagnetism and Skyrmions in the Hofstadter-Fermi-Hubbard Model“
New J. Phys. 25 (2023) (open access); arXiv:2208.05960. - Felix A. Palm, Sam Mardazad, Annabelle Bohrdt, Ulrich Schollwöck, Fabian Grusdt
„Snapshot-based detection of \(\nu = \frac{1}{2}\) Laughlin states: Coupled chains and central charge“
Phys. Rev. B 106 (2022); arXiv:2112.10763. - Felix A. Palm, Maximilian Buser, Julian Léonard, Monika Aidelsburger, Ulrich Schollwöck, Fabian Grusdt
„Bosonic Pfaffian state in the Hofstadter-Bose-Hubbard model“
Phys. Rev. B 103 (2021); arXiv:2011.02477.
- Dissertation (PhD thesis): „Fractional Chern Insulators in Hofstadter-Hubbard Models: New Probes and Routes Towards Cold Atom Quantum Simulation“ (2023)
- Master thesis: „Renormalization Group Studies of Quantum Phase Transitions in the Heisenberg-Kitaev Model on the Triangular Lattice“ (2020)