Felix A. Palm

I am a theo­re­ti­cal phy­si­cist at the Uni­ver­si­té Lib­re de Bru­xel­les (Brussels) in the group of Nathan Gold­man. My rese­arch focu­ses on stron­gly cor­re­la­ted quan­tum many-body sys­tems and cold atom quan­tum simu­la­ti­on, with an empha­sis on frac­tion­al quan­tum Hall phy­sics in opti­cal lat­ti­ces. In my work, I am com­bi­ning ana­ly­ti­cal approa­ches (in par­ti­cu­lar varia­tio­nal sta­tes) and nume­ri­cal methods (espe­ci­al­ly ten­sor net­work tech­ni­ques like DMRG simu­la­ti­ons) to under­stand exo­tic sta­tes of mat­ter. More broad­ly, I am inte­res­ted in inter­ac­ting quan­tum pha­ses of mat­ter and the oppor­tu­ni­ties to under­stand them using quan­tum simulators.

Feel free to get in touch at felix.palm[at]ulb.be – I’m always hap­py to discuss!

You can also find me on Goo­g­le­Scho­lar and X/Twitter for the latest updates.
My ORCID is 0000–0001-5774–5546.


07/2024 // Will quan­tum simu­la­tors soon find gap­less Majo­ra­na edge modes? It might be har­der than we thought, at least in boso­nic flux lad­ders. Read the details in our latest pre­print.

05/2024 // How do you detect and cha­rac­te­ri­ze topo­lo­gi­cal order in your quan­tum simu­la­tor using a smart basis choice? Check out our paper published in Phys. Rev. Rese­arch to find some hid­den order!

05/2024 // Can neu­ral net­works help with simu­la­ting topo­lo­gi­cal quan­tum sys­tems? The rea­li­stic ans­wer is „yes, but…“: we’­ve inves­ti­ga­ted the poten­ti­al and limi­ta­ti­ons of recur­rent neu­ral net­works by stu­dy­ing a long-ran­ge inter­ac­ting Hof­stad­ter model. Find out more in our new paper on the arXiv.

02/2024 // Sup­po­se you are not done after rea­li­zing a Laugh­lin sta­te of two atoms in your opti­cal lat­ti­ce. How do you get a lar­ger Laugh­lin sta­te out of this important buil­ding block? Use our gro­wing sche­mes, which were now published in Phys. Rev. Rese­arch – and even detect the frac­tion­al qua­si-hole charge!

10/2023 // I’m start­ing my post­doc at the Uni­ver­si­té Lib­re de Bru­xel­les in the group of Nathan Gold­man today! Loo­king for­ward to this very exci­ting oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with a gre­at new team in Europe’s capital

07/2023 // How can a sin­gle cen­ter site sta­bi­li­ze Bose-Ein­stein con­den­sa­ti­on on a ring? Our paper on an emer­gent \(\mathbb{Z}_2\)-symmetry on a wheel was just published in Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Phy­sics. This is my first publi­ca­ti­on in the Natu­re portfolio! 🎉

06/2023 // I suc­cessful­ly defen­ded my PhD thesis! 👨‍🎓🎉

05/2023 // I sub­mit­ted my PhD the­sis 👨‍💻 – Still have to defend it in June, but this real­ly feels like a major milestone!

02/2023 // Our paper on fer­ro­ma­gne­tism and skyr­mi­ons in the Hof­stad­ter-Fer­mi-Hub­bard model has been published in the New Jour­nal of Phy­sics (NJP)!

08/2022 // What can Fock basis snapshots tell us about the cen­tral char­ge of a Laugh­lin edge sta­te? Check out our let­ter recent­ly published in Phys. Rev. B.

11/2021 // I’ll be visi­ting the group of Moham­mad Hafezi at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land for a 5‑month rese­arch stay this winter.

04/2021 // Check out my first paper published in Phys. Rev. B! We stu­di­ed the pos­si­bi­li­ty to rea­li­ze the boso­nic Pfaf­fi­an sta­te on a Hof­stad­ter-Hub­bard cylinder.